How Is Online Gambling Legal In India?
With technology developing rapidly, many stings are available online. One such pass time is gambling slot online. Gambling has been practiced since the memoir by are family members. In the present scenario, the online gambling business mostly focuses on the growing generation, i.e., the college students. A whooping of 50% of college students worldwide plays poker, rummy, bluff etc., online. In gambling there are three kinds of games, namely:
- Game of pure chance
- Game of pure luck and,
- Game of pure chance and luck
But the question that arises is even though these online gambling sites are available, but are they legal? Is online gambling in India legal?
History Of Online Poker
In the last decade, the internet changed the whole world. Earlier poker used to be the casual card games existing in the bars and casinos or kitty parties. All these things changed when technology launched advanced and more secure sites. These sites are safer and can hold cash of the player and let them wager against their opponent. Online poker became quite serious in the early 20s as many online tournaments and events were held, and of course, many of them qualified to the World Series.
You must be above 18 to play Winbet2u Thai online poker. There are age checks, so it’s quite impossible to get past in case you are under age. Moreover, depositing money on online poker sites requires a credit card, but some exceptional sites do accept E-wallets.
The reason:
We all know the population of India, and among so many people about, half of the population gambles online. These online gambling apps are not all true and simple as they seem like. Many gambling apps are just a scam. They ask for details that you may not want to share, but you have to, and with those details, they get access to your bank account and try to hinder it.
This game, as we see, is very addictive and harmful for various reasons. The major harm it does is to your mind, and online gambling has various psychological effects.
The conclusion:
In many cases, an online gambler will have other co-addictions as well, and such has having cocaine, marijuana or alcohol as they provide relaxation and energy and keeps you active to be continuing with your gambling. One main reason due to which gambling can affect mental health is due to the way people experience the ‘high’ and ‘low.’ This is because a gambler puts much money at stake in the assumption that he will be getting twice the amount. This further causes depression, anxiety etc.
The major effect gambling has on the relationships. You tend to argue with your family, especially when it comes to money. You become preoccupied with gambling and devote less time to other things. You start to steal money and lie. All these can be the reason for a gambler to commit suicide as well.